TOSL has expertise & capabilities in providing Industrial Wastewater Treatment Solutions for:
Water & Waste Water Management
Innovative custom designed and build industrial treatment plants
- Distilleries
- Beverage
- Pulp & Paper
- Petrochemical Plants
- Oil & Gas Industries
- Chemical Processing Plants
- Breweries
- Meat Processing
- Sugar Processing
- Pharmaceutical
- Palm Oil Processing
- Dairy
- Food Processing
- Metal Processing
- Refi neries
- Power Plants
- Yeast Processing
Municipal Waste System would include:
- Pre Treatment
- Biological Treatment using:
- Activated Sludge Process
- Bio Filters
- Biological Nitrogen Removal (BNR)
- Biological Phosphorus Removal
- Sludge Treatment and Dewatering
- Tertiary Treatment for Reuse Quality
- Instrumentation and Controls
- SCADA & Telemetry Systems
Sewage & Industrial Waste Treatment
TOSL caters to both municipal and industrial segments by supply & implementation of projects and systems as listed below:
- Modular, compact package type wastewater & sewage treatment plants
- Small community, municipal sewage treatment by adopting diff erent technologies to meet discharge requirements or to generate reuse quality water for industrial or irrigation sectors
- Industrial wastewater treatment systems—by adopting most suitable treatment depending upon the infl uent Chemical Treatment, Aerobic Pretreatment for high BOD and COD waste; Aerobic Treatment, Tertiary Treatment for Recycle Reuse or zero discharge Systems
- Renewable bio-energy systems, utilization, purifi cation of bio-gas for utilization as a fuel suitable in boilers, gas turbine, or other suitable application like fuel for fork lifts etc. in the industry
Recycle, Reuse and Zero Discharge Systems
TOSL offers advance treatment for both municipal and industrial segments to reuse and recycle quality water generation. Systems off ered are:
- Membrane Systems like UF, Nano & Ultra Filtration
- De Mineralization Units
- Electro Oxidation System
- Multi-eff ect Evaporation for Zero Discharge
- Disk type RO units for cleaning high TDS, Silica, BOD and COD for high rate of recovery

Smart Turbidity
The SMART Turbidity monitor accurately analyses the cloudiness of a fl uid and outputs the turbidity value in NTU.
- Sewage Treatment Plant Monitor
- Brewing Quality Monitor
- Groundwater Effl uent
By utilising the “Smart Cell” Detector Array Technology, developed by Rivertrace, the monitor accurately analyses the quality of the sample stream and outputs the turbidity value in nephelometer turbidity units (NTU) Turbidity is the cloudiness or haziness of a fl uid caused by large numbers of individual particles.
A manual cell cleaning device is included as standard to easily enable routine maintenance and prevent Optical cell fouling which is recognised as a leading cause of monitor malfunction or incorrect reading. By simple operation of the manual cleaning device, the measuring cell remains in optimum operating condition.

Autoclean > The autoclean option has been designed to ensure that the measuring cell glass tube is kept free from fouling. Cell fouling is recognised as a leading cause of monitor malfunction. Fitting the Autoclean removes the need for the ship’s crew to remember to clean the cell manually.
Calibration Check > The monitor’s calibration can be checked using our calibration check kit. This is an approved method of demonstrating that the unit is still working correctly.
“Smart Technology, Smart Thinking”

Controls & Automation

SIRIUS Controls


SIRIUS Monitor

SIRIUS Command
VFD’s - SINAMICS G120X Selection and planning of drive engineering
The new infrastructure drive SINAMICS G120X is the perfect choice for pumping / ventilating in your wastewater application. This drive covers all voltage ranges from 0.75 to 630 kW in nine sizes and works in all voltages and supply networks.